Making Cheese out of Yogurt

This is a wonderfully easy basic technique for making creamy cheese out of yogurt.
Use kefir, homemade yogurt, or store bought. I start out with 2 cups of yogurt/kefir


Add about 1/2 a tbsp of salt, mix well, and pour into a cheesecloth, lining a strainer, sitting in a bowl.


Now there are two options. Ideally you’d keep the whey that drips into the bowl, as it’s very nutritious. Add it to smoothies, cook with it, or drink it the way it is. I find that I end up with many jars of whey in my fridge that I just end up throwing out, so I skipped that stage this time, and tied the cheesecloth above my sink to drip


I leave it there for a few hours, depending on the temperature in your house, and how thick you want your cheese. The longer you leave it, the “drier” it gets. We live in a hot and dry climate, so it took about 4 hours to reach the consistency that I wanted. I then scooped the contents into a bowl and refrigerate till ready to use.


When I am ready to serve, I will sprinkle za’atar, which is a middle eastern spice-dried wild oregano, salt and sesame seeds, and paprika, then drizzle olive oil. Serve with fresh pita.